We asked live sports producers what is the most important feature in live sports productions.

The answer was clear: “Replays and Slo-mo!”

It’s nice to have cameras with great lenses and a huge crew, but more important than anything else is to have a fast, flexible and reliable production switcher with a great replay system, which can adapt to any situation. Because if you can’t deliver an instant replay in slow motion to fans whose team just scored a great goal, you’re toast.

Instant replay and slow-motion capability makes all the difference in the world of live sports production and every half-decent production has to have one. But those things used to be very expensive.

So what do you do if you’re producing high school sports or medium to small sports event but don’t have a fat budget?

Your only choice is to “rob a bank”, “get a 2nd mortgage” or “sell the family silver” (just kidding of course) to afford a replay system from the old-school dinosaurs, who are still trying to make everyone believe that a replays system has to cost a small fortune to be any good.
Well, don’t sell your family silver just yet, because Streamstar can help!

We believe professional live sports production tools should be available for everyone. Not just the elite in the money.

Every Streamstar switcher features an outstanding internal replays system, renowned for its speed, efficiency and ease of use. Try it once and you’ll never look back. Plus you save a lot of money. 

We spent years developing and fine-tuning our replay system. It’s been tried and tested in thousands of live productions all over the world. A single operator can control the entire production workflow. 3 different replay durations of all camera angles are instantly available at a touch of a button . What‘s more all replays are saved internally. You can easily create instant highlights on the fly using the replay playlists.


Streamstar offers multiple ways to playback the replays. There are 3 replay playback modes.

  1. Standard mode – you can play a replay in the old fashioned way – one by one.
  2. SRP – Sequential Replay Playback mode – you can create sequences of several camera angles played back in a sequence, one after another
  3. DRCS – Dynamic Replay Camera Switching mode – you can switch camera angles while the replay is playing. Same as switching cameras but within the replay playback.

All 3 modes feature slow motion with variable speed and freeze frame capability. You can use your own animations as replay transitions and introduce sponsor logos or commercial messages. A monetising system is included, which gives you great statistics of all transitions usage. Every replay set created can be named/tagged. Favourites can be marked and viewed for easy orientation in the replays list.

Plus there are many additional sports dedicated features like live score, clock and period graphics, media playback, pre-rendered graphics, PTZ camera control and many more.
With Streamstar you can create amazing live sports productions easily and affordably. That’s the reason Streamstar is the Nr.1 choice of live sports producers.

It will make your viewers happy, your clients amazed and your sponsors thrilled. All thinking they are watching a network TV live production. 

One last thing.
Streamstar systems are extremely affordable and there is a whole range of them from 2 to 8 channels, portable or rack-mount. You will certainly find one that suits your needs and your budget. All of them feature Stremastar’s best-in-business replay system that no competition comes even close to.
Try and see for yourself. DOWNLOAD a FREE TRIAL and and check it out.