• 80 percent of consumers would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog
• 82 percent would prefer live video to written social media updates
There is no doubt anymore that live streaming is the future of content creation. Anyone in the know within the industry is already fully involved. Whether it is a Social Media platform or a major broadcasters, all are looking for live content from local events that were beyond their scope just a few years ago. Don’t be left out! Act now because everyone else is.
Here’s how!
Streamstar gives you the best tools to jump on the bandwagon with a minimal investment and effort. It’s been proven a thousand times that it’s the easiest to use, fastest to learn and most efficient streaming solution on the market. Absolutely no doubt about that!
It will open many new possibilities for you and widen the scope of your operations greatly. Streamstar software is designed with a principle in mind that “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.
That makes even the most complex task you need to do during a live production simple and easy. Whether it’s instant replays with slow motion, creating highlights of a match, live sports graphics, remote control of PTZ cameras, streaming to multiple destinations… all simple, fast and easy.
Find out how other customers benefited from using Streamstar – click here: CASE STUDIES.